Saturday, August 27, 2011

Stealing Sunday Meme 20 questions!

1. What's for breakfast? Nutty Butty Peanut Butter Bits, Egg McMuffin, and OJ

2. Do you read a newspaper daily?  Does gossip magazine count if not then how about yahoo news or facebook! LOL

3. What do you do when you can't sleep? Have sex, get on the Internet, play on my phone, watch TV

4. Say a word that sums up your mood. Fine!

5. Do you remember your dreams?  Sometimes.  At least the last one or bits and pieces of it!~

6. Name something from your dream last night. Uhhhh dont remember! LOL

7. Name a food that describes you.  Mango Pomegranate

8. Today you are wearing: Old dirty sweaty funky run/workout clothes...Yep, I haven't showered yet and its been 4 hours!

9. What's in your pockets?  Dont have pockets in these funky clothes!  Body so funky they left lol

10. Did you sing in the shower today? Uhm nope but maybe I will!

11. What's the last song you heard?  Something on the radio about love...blahhhh!

12. Looking forward to the holidays?  Yep..I need a freakin vacation!

13. Where do you want to be this instant?  Far Far away from bills, debt, and anyone I know so I can be a wild child and do what I want!

14. What's for lunch? uuuhmmm being that it's almost 4 I think I had Plain Lays with hot sauce, almond milk, and the rest of my nutty buddy peanut butter bits LOL Yumm food of champions and queens!

15. What's something you would like to do soon?   Pay off my bills, loose weight, go on vacation out of the country! oh and have GREAT SEX!

16. Reading anything now? What is it?  uhmm I checked out a book from the library last week.mmmm let me see what it is LOL   "Almost Doesn't Count" by Electa Rome Parks (wow! what a name)

17. What's for dinner?  I have no idea. My boo will ask the same thing and he kinda gets on my nerves with that like a lil kid...oh wait, I think he backed chicken last night.  Chicken...that's whats for dinner :/

18. A favorite part of the day is: Going Shopping is always awesome! YEAH! and the end of my clean up routine!

19. Are you happy? Absolutely

20. Guess how many people will do Sunday Stealing this weekend?   150,000,000,000