Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Dating and maintaining a healthy relationship

1.      Pray (invite God into your relationship before, during, and after. Set precedence. God knows you better than anybody.  He knows what you want, need, and what he has for you. Don't take his expertise for granted.)

2.      Talk about what you want (never assume the other person has the same understanding about the relationship as you.  Make sure you are on the same page and working toward the same goals and objectives relationship-wise)

3.      Be honest (never say something just because you think that is what the other person wants to hear. Always be honest and forthright.  Use tact as much as possible but in the end they will appreciate your honesty.)

4.      Say what is on your mind (holding things in only harbors feelings of confusion causing disconnection and assumption.  What you are thinking could be what they are thinking and what you are thinking could very well be not that they are thinking. )

5.      Don't let sex define your relationship (wait until you talk about the relationship and understand the objectives before sealing the deal with sex.  Sex pulls in negative aspects that the relationship is not yet ready to handle.  Make it a point to be respectful and get to know the person. )  

6.      Share in the responsibility (playing the blame game only escalates situations. Make your point, allow them to make their point and find out where the confusion ensued.  

7.      Share in the dating expenses (If one pays, the other should tip. At least make an effort to tip.  Treat your partner sometimes. Show them that you're in it together.)

8.       Bring what you want to the table (Demonstrate what you want by being, doing, having what you want. Have something to build on and with instead of asking for the whole house ground up. )

9.      Stay true to yourself (The person they are interested in is the person you should always be. Be forever evolving but always genuine.)

10.  Make mistakes (Allowing room for foul-ups open doors for growth. Never stunt your growth individually, spiritually, mentally, or emotionally.  Foul-ups are make-ups to great ups.)

-to be continued...