Sunday, May 10, 2009


So he's probably calling because he's horny. It's been about a month so his hormones are growing weak. It's too late. I'm not giving him another chance. I'm not responding to text messages or phone calls. It's always the same song and no revelation. I miss him and I love him and I'm in-love with him, but i'm not going to continue to subject myself to someone who does not feel the same way about me.

What was I thinking dating a guy who thinks it's okay to have babies all throughout Tennessee. He's not selective in who he has a baby with and thinks it's no big deal to have a different mother for every child. Why should I feel special about the possibility of having his child. It wouldn't mean anything to him except another child support payment which he seems to not mind at all.

I'm looking forward to attracting a good man that wants to truly be with me, get to know me, and grow with me. Yes it's all about me and I have no shame about it. I am not ashamed about what I want and don't want. I believe I deserve to be admired and truly loved so if I can't get that then I'm not wasting my time. I'm a very loving individual and I give 100% of myself to building a relationship why shouldn't I expect the same thing in return?

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