Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Today's Journey

Today's journey will be one of peace, solitude, harmony, and self-reflection.  I'm tired, sleepy, and bored.  Not bored in the sense that I don't have anything to do, but in the sense that I need a vacation.  A long week maybe 2 week vacation.  Whether alone or with someone special, I need time away. 
Growing up we never took vacations.  I knew nothing about ppl taking yearly vacations.  I didn't know that was something ppl did on a regular.  My mom and grandmother never went anywhere further than work and church.  My dad and his family went places sometimes, but I didn't really know it was a regular routine that ppl planned every summer. 
Now that I'm independent and running my own household, paying bills, and working non-stop, I know better.   Vacations should be a job requirement to keep energy going.  Vacation planning should be part of the benefit package.  I think everyone would be much happier, more productive, and call out sick less.  Children would be smarter in school and get into less trouble.  Husbands would be happier, wives would fill more appreciated and fulfilled.  The world would be a much calmer place. 
Last year I had to settle for rainy Tampa, Florida as my birthday get-away.  My wish is to go on a cruise to the islands or any other land far away.  My next birthday will definitely require a passport and no less than $2,000. China, Beijing, Singapore, Netherlands, New Zealand,  Amsterdam, Prague, Japan, anywhere overseas and away from the states.  I need to explore, grow, mature, get some culture.  I  need an extreme adventure. 
I'm 33 and I only have 7 years to fulfill my goal of traveling the world before I'm 40.  First, I need to get a passport.  Second I need to create a plan for this travel.  It would be very nice to have a travel companion, but with the friends I have now I'd be lucky to get out of the south.  Funds are tight, we are in a recession, and everyone is pretty much getting situated in their career including myself.  It takes time, discipline, and perseverance to plan a trip of the magnitude I'm trying to reach.  It also takes money.  There in lays my downfall. HA!  
I could get a job that has me traveling every 2 weeks.  Many people that travel say they are tired of traveling and those that do not travel wish they could.  No one's ever totally satisfied with their situation.  In my opinion, I see that as a good thing.  If we are satisfied then we cease to grow.  Well, I am one who needs a change of scenery every 2 years.  Hence the reason I'm assuming I have not held the same job longer than 2 years.  I'm currently setting a new record working on year 3.  Stability is an honorable concept.  Keeping the interest alive is the challenge. 
For now, I strive to put into action my plan for peace, harmony, and solitude.  I have to make this work to my advantage.  I have to find a balance between working, growing, and enjoying every minute of the day.  Something has to give. 

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