Monday, July 6, 2009

No more 4th for you!

So the weekend didn't go as promised.  Joel was suppose to meet my family 4th of July weekend.  He was the one asking to meet them.  The opportunity was there.  All he had to do was show up.   What happened?  He didn't have time to make plans before I left.  He never wanted to talk about it and never made time to talk.  I text him my grandmother's home number because I don't get cell service with T-Mobile at grandmother's house.  When did he call?  Never.  He claims he did not leave Nashville until late the evening of July 4.  Why didn't he at least call at some point that day to let me know what was up?  Did he call the next day, July 5?  Nope.  What was his excuse for the weekend?  He didn't leave Nashville until late and it was storming.  He and his son got a hotel room in Jackson.  He didn't want to call my grandmother's house that late.  Why didn't he call the next day?  He was working on payroll.  What does all this sound like to you? But hold on, I'm not done yet.
It's Monday, July 6th.  While most people are back to work he's off.  Did he ask me to take off and spend time with him since he doesn't get to spend time with me during the work week?  Nope.  When did he tell me he was going to be off on Monday?  Sunday when I called him around 11 A.M. which is when I heard his lame excuses.  It's almost 11 A.M. Monday, July 6.  Have I heard from him? Nope.  He's off today.  What does he have planned?  I don't know but whatever it is, it does not include me because he hasn't said anything to me. 
How hard would it be to call me or text and ask me out to lunch on his day off?  I mean, I would think he has some explaining and making up to do.  Oh well, guess he feels vindicated cause he has the job and his children as an alibi.  HA! :-)
If you know me, you know what that means.  ;-) 
So who did he spend the 4th with?  Why wouldn't he make arrangements with me before I left?  Why didn't he call me on the 4th?  Why didn't he call me the following day? Why didn't he ask me to hang out with him on his off day?  Why didn't he at least ask me to lunch or dinner or something or at the minimum say good morning? 

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