Sunday, October 25, 2009

Blue Moon

Feelin a little blue today. Every 28 days it kinda haphazardly gets that way.
I'm extra tired for no reason at all.
Especially when I have so much work I need to do.
It seems I get this feeling of eerie misty blue.
I'm sad, mad, irritated, and depressed.
Not really in the mood to do anything. I just leave everything a mess.
I'm thirsty, grumpy, moody, and stiff.
There's no helping me through this from God above it's only a gift.
Ibuprofen tries to dim my pain
but if its not taken early I'm so way going totally insane!
The drama is so unbearable it would be be nice to sleep in bed allllll week.
The blood in my entire body is being sapped right out of me like a rushing creak!
Guess its not his fault. We have freedom of choice.
But I really wish he had a spoke up just a little louder so Eve could hear his voice.
That old satan, he can't be the blame.
He was just doing what he can to lay claim to his name and fame.
Adam is the one that should have been there and stood watch.
Leaving Eve uncovered like that.
Onward and forward to our destruction she did march.
What a crime we have committed ourselves to.
To be the one who carries the meaning of life for two.
There is a softer more subtle and delightful side to this.
Making love and having babies is sometimes welcomed and comforting total bliss.

But at this moment! This Moment Right HERE!
DAMN TO HELL ADAM AND EVE for the crap we have to now go through!
I dont know about you, but I'd rather not have these moments of
unapologetic, gastrological, back aching, ball-up-in-a-fetus-and-beg-for-mercy bouts of being blue!

Couldn't Adam just have chilled out wit Eve and kept her in his sight?
But we can't fully blame the dude
Eve was a girl and she should have known what not to do and what was right.
The devil never could tempt Jesus off the mountain to give into what he knew was not true.
Why couldn't have Eve and saved us from a life of misery, subdue, and feeling blue?

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