Thursday, September 27, 2012

Two Can Play At That Game

Have you ever dated someone and thought, “Now why the heck am I with him?”  I’ve done this a million times and still haven’t figured out why I do what I do. Why do I allow myself to date these guys I’m really really not even interested in?  Is it for companionship because I have no friends to hang out with? Yes.  Is it for financial gain so I don’t have to pay for every single thing I want myself? Yes. LOL Well there you have it.  You’re a selfish prick LOL!  And that shit aint even funny. 

There’s a blues song out that says, “You’re no good. You’re no good. You’re no good.”  I think this should be my anthem.  Not really because I’m not good but because I’m so not feeling whatever he talking about so I just move on to the next one. Twenty plus years later I should not still be singing this same ol tune but I am. Good-bye dead weight. Hello peace and happiness…and loneliness. 

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