Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Daily blog random thoughts moments of lows and highs

Feeling like a failure Lord. Feeling like a failure. Feeling like I’m an outcast once again. Why? How? Perspective? Quilt? Insecurity? Confusion.

Really. People want to dish out their attitude on me but when I give it right back to them they get offended. Please! Really!

I want my Trefoils right about now.

~’He saw the best in me. He’s mine and I am his. It doesn't matter what I did. He only sees me for who I am.” ~

Whenever you’re feeling down it’s wise to talk with someone. You can either talk to them about what’s bothering you or you can just have a general conversation and forget about what it is that’s bothering you.  This will give you strength to think things over, consider outcomes, and create solutions.  Life is funny like that. If we talk about our issues to the right person or people they have a way of solving themselves and making you feel better about life in general.  If we keep it bottled up we harbor strong feelings of self-hate and resentment to those affected, ourselves, and even those who have nothing to do with the issue.  Talking through your situation is a reason to move on, create new space, new energy, love yourself, and make life a better way of living. Speak on it to those you trust.  Hire someone; seek therapy, art, exercise, love, companionship, etc. 

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