Monday, June 30, 2014

My weight loss journey part 1,001

Yep, 1,001, that’s about how many times and then some I have attempted to lose weight. I only have 60 pounds I’m trying to get rid of but my discipline is jacked! I have never been a very consistent and dedicated person. Not in my personal life, love life, social, career, anything. I constantly want something else. I’ll do something for a while and I’ll go until I complete it but I’m not really all there 100% after a while. This weight loss thing is no different. This time I’m paying for it. I purchased a meal plan, I signed up and paid for boot camp, and I have another booklet on how to lose weight, lift weights, and eat the right foods at the right times. In addition I also still have my regular gym membership and my run group. It’s do or die this go round. I am extremely tired of this belly, these thighs, and humongous bat wings.
The newest addition to my journey is purchasing a meal plan.  I paid over $200 last time for a trainer at my gym but there was no meal plan. The trainer pretty much sucked and I saw no progress. This time my boot camp 1 month membership was under $100. I’ve seen her results on others and I totally believe I can do it with her help. I attended her boot camp earlier this year and it was great. I lost weight because along with my evening running, I slimmed down. I just couldn’t afford to pay every month and getting up at 3:30 – 4am was not my cup of tea.  It was torcher. Morning workouts are what activate your metabolism and give you energy for the day. I could do the same with my gym and get my ace outta bed at 4:30 to get a 5-6am workout but that’s a lonely train ride and not very successful on my part. I have no problem keeping my evening running program and I could workout in the evening but so does everyone else, I have other things going on, and I don’t want to miss my run group.
My purpose of writing this entry is to talk about the supplements I am taking this go round.  I’ve never taken anything outside of a multivitamin before.  I hate taking pills or any kind of medicine/herbs and I don’t really believe in them. Unless you have a medical condition, I believe it’s an unnatural process to have to take something to help you lose weight, maintain energy, etc.  I really think eating the right foods is the best way to go but…I’m fat. I have a lot of body fat to loose so there for I need a little help, so it seems.  This is what I’m taking Cellucor Super HD 
 It’s supposed to accelerate the fat burning process. This is one of the 3 GNC items I’ve been recommended and I just want to document my reactions since I’m new to this whole supplement thing. 1. Clammy hands. My hands and feet are usually always cold but I just realized my hands haven’t been cold in a while. Today, my first day taking Cellucor I noticed my hands are clammy.
2. Extra salvia. My throat is normally dry from dehydration I guess so having extra lubrication is a weird change.
3. Runny nose. Not the point of needing to blow but there is slight mucus. I’ve been off dairy for a few months now, due to my plant-based detox experience I no longer even like yogurt or want cheese.
4. Slight burning sensation in the nose area. Not very noticeable but it’s a change.
5. Warm skin.
6. Jittery but only slightly. I noticed my hands are shacking a little.
7. Energy. Now this is great. Not sure if it’s a result of the workout or Cellucor.
This morning’s dosage was taken after my workout when it was suggested I take it before. Not sure if that makes a difference or not. My next dosage is to be taken 5 hours after the first. I’m kind of leery of taking It but I will and monitor my reactions. I have a 3 miler this evening with my girls. I’ll be praying, gulping water, and paying attention to my body.
Alright, it’s time for meal two. I’m kind of not hungry and it’s really almost time for lunch. I’ll have to eat earlier tomorrow so I can keep in light with my work lunch schedule plus I need to perfect my get timeliness with getting to the gym, showering, and getting to work.
2nd Dosage:

Just when my body was back to normal I guess, it was time for the 2nd pill. Hands immediately got back cold. However, the other reactions are not there, at least not yet. It’s only been about 30 min.  I like the energy I feel. I hope It maintains for my run this evening. Still haven’t taken my vitamin. I’ll do that tonight. The pill is helping my water intake because I’m afraid not to guzzle as suggested. I’m on 48 working my way to a gallon a day hopefully by Friday.  Gotta time it out and focus, be intentional with my drinking. 

It’s been 2 hours since my 2nd pill. All those feelings I had with the first are back plus I’m sneezing. I guess its working. I’ll research and document later. I definitely feel energetic. My body wants to run but it normally does in the middle of the day. I’m ready for 6 O’clock!  

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