Monday, December 8, 2014

New Day New Start

This past weekend was spent in the house, under the covers, tossing and turning in front of the TV. My main objective was to make it to the bathroom in a timely fashion.  I had some sort of stomach virus.  Me and the bathroom became quite friendly over the 2 day weekend. Once I went to bed Friday night, I did not leave the house until work day Monday morning. This is not my idea of a typical weekend.  And heaven's to bid the weather was just BEAUTIFUL! Whoa is me! 

Eventually as I mustard enough strength to get out of bed and dressed for work, (blessing count 1)I made it to work with only 20 or so minutes of make of time.  They will get there 7.5 out of me no doubt at some point in time. My hours are always over the mundane 37.5 so I'm not worried and thankfully neither is my supervisors nor coworkers.  Blessed the Lord ( blessing count 2). 

I was very fortunate to have someone who cares enough to diagnose my symptoms and run home to care for me as soon as possible (blessing count 3). This new guy has met his match and certainly surpassed his time in the trail and error phase. I think he's definitely a keeper. Hope he feels the same way about me. 

Started the morning off filtering questions for my boss's boss's boss. Followed by a trace the rabbit and confront the confusion email assignment request. Read and signed a new Employee Code of Ethics, seems like someone is covering their butts in case anyone wants to join in the #BlackLivesMatter protest. (Blessing 4) is my ability to do what needs to be done and my skills to tackle tough issues and crisis management. I work well under pressure, so well that this seems to bother people because I seem so unfazed. I hold this characteristic in high regard no matter how it makes others feel. It should make them feel confident and secure that I will take care of what needs to be managed in any given circumstance. 

In reading today's blog by Marc and Angel I've come to realize that I am pretty spectacular and I have a lot to be thankful for and many more reasons to keep pushing on with who I am, where I'm going, and what I need to do. Today is a good day and I'm grateful for it. 

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