Monday, October 6, 2008

Looking for a trip to Vegas September 09!

Because I have nothing to say at the moment and I wanted to post PLUS, I thought I looked cute on this day. I did my hair myself...meaning I washed, conditioned, braided, and styled it to what I thought was the "in" do for this season. I've always wanted to find a way to wear my hair down and wavy curly but it would always look good before I leave the house but way horrible by the time I arrive at work. My hair would loose so much shine and moisture the only way I could keep the wavy curls was to put it in a ponytail and clipped close to my head. On this day, I actually made it through the day. However, there is more work to be done. I am still missing that moisture and frizz-free luxury my for real wavy curly counterparts so enjoy. In my late afternoon scavenger hunt I purchased
* 1 bottle of Paul Mitchell's Foaming Pommade $13.00
Trying to get this hair to obey is an all night escapade. But I have decided I need a change and am way past due for something new in ALL aspects of my life. This trying to look cute thing is expensive and a lot of work. I see now why women are always asking guys for money. Maintenance rather high or low cost a pretty penny. I am not the one to depend on anyone for anything so if I want to run with the big girls I've got to get on my big girl grind and do it for myself. And being that I am putting in all this work I WILL NOT be lowering my standards from some half ass man! I would rather be single than foolin around with some nonsense!
Oh yeah and I also purchased 2 new ceramic curling irons totalling approximately $40. Now if I can just figure out how to look cute and maintain my gorgeous locks while working out 4-6 days a week all would be well with the world. 145 here I come!

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