Sunday, April 12, 2009

Do it like this girl Not that!

So, here's another clean-up item from my inbox. My preacher had a tell all session about what men are looking for and what women can do to get them and how we turn them off. Because I don't want to forget anything I decided to post them here. I think I have most of them down pat. It's the self-esteem issue that keeps me single. That I am well aware of and trying to work on everyday. Its hard. There are many years of torcher and pain to shift through. Hopefully I'll get over it one day. Until then..

What Men Want
1. Men want compliments ( they need affirmation)
2. Men want women to not let themselves go (What you did to get him, you need to continue to keep him) Never get TOO comfortable with your man.
3. Men want you to have a life ( he doesn’t want you under him ALL the time)
4. Men don’t want you to be a doormat
5. He REALLY doesn’t want to know all of your past ( Pro. 6: 32 )
6. I Love You is not just in words. Men are not verbal people, they show with their actions)
7. Nothing wrong sometimes mean Nothing is Really Wrong
8. All Black Shoes look the same
9. How was your day?Is a simple question with a simple answer.
10. Men want women to start initiating Sex.

What Annoy Men
1. Freebies ( men paying for EVERYTHANG) some women only call men for free meals and movies

2. Tired of Whining
3. Backstabbing, Messy or Criticizing other women ( especially Christian Sisters)
4. Pigeoning ( bringing your girls everywhere ** and making him pay for every body **)
5. Abusing Generosity ( only call him when you need a favor )
6. Interruption of great sports moments or events (March Madness, Superbowl, etc.)
7. Playing Hard to Get
8. Using Sex as a Weapon
9. Blaming All Men ( for past relationships issues)
10. Closing the Deal too soon ( moving too fast)

3 Misc. S’s

1. Self Esteem – men can pick up on a woman’s self esteem. A man with ill intentions will prey on a woman with low self esteem because she is seeking him to affirm what others (male figures * dad* in her life) did not. Hence how women can get caught up in abusive relationships (verbal, emotional, physical, psychological, etc.). A woman must know her own self value and self worth before trying to love some one else.

2. Sex – men want women to do more that missionary position. They want women to be more adventurous (try new things) and desirable in the bedroom. They also want women to try oral sex. A conversation need to be held before marriage about what both desire sexually to for compatibility. The bedroom for husband and wife is undefiled, but use wisdom on where to cross the line.

3. Sister’s Keeper – Be your sister’s keeper. Hold her accountable ( she holds you accountable also). Women need to lift each other up and respect the God given gifts and talents in each other. Women don’t need to be envious f other women, what God has for you, it is for you and no one else.

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